Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Minolta 135mm f3.5 Celtic lens on the NEX-5N

I received a new (old) lens in the mail yesterday - a Minolta 135mm f3.5 Celtic lens. From what I've gleaned online, the Celtic line of lenses is similar to the Minolta Rokkor lenses, possibly with the same optics, but was a more budget-oriented line. These days they're both inexpensive on eBay.  I bought mine from a friend on Google+ for $20.

It's all manual of course - you set the aperture with the aperture ring and focus manually, just like a 35mm film camera.

I took it for a walk around the neighborhood with the family this evening. It's a tricky focal length to walk around and try to get candid pix of your kids. The magnification is pretty high and (at least for me) takes some futzing to get a good shot.  Prior to this, my longest lens only went up to 55mm.

I totally tanked a pile of shots - missed the focus by a mile because of my rapidly moving targets, and I was shooting wide open (f3.5).  But I got a handful that I liked.  Even of the ones I liked, only a few were actually what I'd call sharp focus.

The lens itself makes sharp images. But my manual focusing abilities are about 10 years out of date. :)

How I managed to catch him roughly (if not exactly) in focus while biking toward me can only be considered a small miracle.

This one was fairly sharp. Ish.

Bokeh test. :)

So, it's a fun lens. Excited to train myself how to use it better with more experience.

[Edit: I've taken a few photos of the lens.  I'm adding them below.]

With the integrated lens hood extended.

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