Sunday, October 6, 2013

Using the NEX-5N with off-camera flash.

When I bought my NEX-5N, I thought I'd have absolutely no interest in flash photography.

Guess what?  I got into flash photography. :)

I attended Scott Kelby's Shoot Like a Pro tour in Indianapolis last month. I was re-inspired in photography in general and wanted to jump into photography with Speedlights.  On his recommendation, I purchased a Yongnuo 560-II flash.  

So far I've been using it in optical slave mode, triggering it with the pop-up flash on top of my NEX.  To avoid the NEX's flash interfering with my shots, I wrapped a small piece of paper around the flash and used a rubber band to hold it in place.  That kept the camera's flash from showing up at all in the shots, and still triggered the Yongnuo.  Awesome.

Also around the same time I received as a gift a Westcott Apollo 28" softbox.  The combo of the speedlight and softbox is great.

Here are some shots using only the Yongnuo and softbox, triggered by the flash on top of the camera.

This little shoot with my kids was done as a test of the new equipment, basically just a big experiment.  I turned on a microphone and ran some effects on it (delay/echo) and the kids are endlessly entertained by shouting/screaming/meowing/making noise into the mic and hearing it back out of the speakers with an echo.  So I took pix with my new toys while they played with theirs.  

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